Brettspielschachteln gefüllt mit Spielmaterial in Tütchen

From disorderly to neat, playfully designed

Brettspielboxen ordentlich eingeräumt in Inlays bzw. Insert Organizern


We love board games.


It's really fun to unpack a new board game and play with it. Most of the time, it's just that the game material can't really be stowed away nicely afterwards. That's why we have made it our business to make sure that everything is stored well and, above all, sensibly in the game box.

Inlay-Bauplan mit Bemaßungen und Erläuterungen.

All our building plans and instructions are sent as PDF files and can be viewed or printed on PC, tablet and smartphone.

For our international visitors, we have translated our building instructions into English and offer them on Etsy.


New in store !!!


Insert construction plan for "Chocolate Factory"

Inlay Organizer für Underwater Cities ausgebreitet auf einem Tisch.

With this construction plan, you can create an organizer that holds all the game material in a well-sorted manner. The employees are placed appropriately in the organizer and can be placed together above the tableau. The production machines with the coins can be placed on the game board in the same way as the stores. Each player gets their own box with their game material and off they go. Everything is laid out quickly and neatly on the table. This makes playing even more fun.

Insert construction plan for "Anno 1800"

With this construction plan, you create an insert that holds all the tiles for the game board, sorted appropriately, and can be placed directly from the board game box onto the table. The component for the New World cards, craftsman/engineer/investor cards, as well as the pawn/worker cards are also placed directly on the appropriate area on the game board. The expedition cards are also placed in the insert in the space provided. The organizer for the population tiles is placed to the left of the game board. Only the two components for the order cards and the trade, exploration gold tiles on the table and it can start. Everything is quickly and neatly on the table. This makes playing even more fun and the long sorting of tiles has finally come to an end.

Insert construction plan for "Kitchen Rush" with expansion "Time for dessert"

Brettspiel Corrosion ordentlich untergebracht im Brettspielorganizer auf dem Tisch.

The board game insert allows the game to be set up very quickly. Because the expansion is included in the basic game box, everything is immediately at hand on the table and the enclosed organizer is no longer needed. The ingredients are all in one insert, as are the spices and ice cream. The cards are sorted separately with cardboard strips for quicker retrieval and the plates, money and all other markers also find separate space in the insert organizer. The hourglasses are also stored compactly. Nothing has to be gathered together. That makes playing and even setting up even more fun.

Now also available as a bundle

Insert construction plan for "Underwater Cities, Great Western Trail and Caverna

Underwater Cities with expansion 

With this organizer for Underwater Cities you finally have the underwater cities neatly under control. Underwater Cities already comes with a lot of game material in the game box. As much as it makes you happy to have a lot of great game material enclosed, the removal and storage can also get annoying at some point. Everything that needs to be removed from the inserts, such as the era cards and player pieces, can be taken out easily accessible, the rest, such as the resources or buildings and tunnels, can be left in the organizer for the game and be used. Afterwards, everything can be easily and neatly stored in the game box. Without annoying plastic bags.


Great Western Trail 2nd Edition

The board game insert for Great Western Trail makes the game setup very quick. The hazard, worker and bandit tokens can remain in the pouches and do not have to be put back into the organizer. The coins are sorted and can be placed in the insert on the table along with the exchange tokens. There is an organizer for the neutral building tokens, cattle drovers, the stationmasters and other neutral game material. At the very bottom of the board game box are the four components that hold the player material. You pick your color and have everything you personally need in front of you.



With the board game insert for Caverna you not only have everything well stowed in the game box, but can also play directly from it. Whether cave building tiles already sorted super ingeniously in use or the battle strength markers lined up according to combat strength. The animals are in the stable and the raw materials in the barn. Everything there, where it should be.

How we build our organizers

In this video we would like to show how easy it is to build an inlay or insert and how we make them. It shows the process from cutting, to gluing, to then filling the finished board game insert. The construction plan used for this can be downloaded from us free of charge.

Tips and tricks

A new craft tip for building troughs or halfpipes

into a manufactured organizer.

More tips und tricks as well as ready-made inserts or organizers are available on Youtube

Free construction plans

Baupläne für Brettspiel Inserts und Brettpspielinlays

In our store there are now also a few free blueprints to look at and of course to rebuild. Have fun playing.

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